segunda-feira, abril 30, 2007

Playlist 30 Abril 2007

Tom Waits: underground
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: clap your hands
Patti Smith: kimberly
Young Marble Giants: n.i.t.a.
Hanne Hukkelberg: ticking bomb
Cocorosie: rainbowarriors
Air: mer du japon
Patrick Wolf: the stars
Depeche Mode: useless [k&d session]
Oddworx: sex and non persons
Isolée: pornonights
Hug: tiny stars
Pole: achterbahn

The Matthew Herbert Big Band: the many and the few
The Cinematic Orchestra: flite
Nicole Willis & The Soul Investigators: my four leaf clover
Jamie Lidell: a little bit more
Nuspirit Helsinki: silent steps
Two Banks Of Four: endless
Skalpel: together
Koop: modal mile
Jimi Tenor: better than ever
Sy Smith: welcome to syberspace
Rich Medina: chocklit ninja

Gustavo Sampaio.

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