Primal Scream: Higher Than The Sun (A Dub Simphony in Two Parts)
Brooks: Enormous Members Club
Whitey: Can´t Stay In, Can't Go Out
Kelley Polar: Tyurangalila
Tiga: Down In It
Martin Rev: Mari
Vector Lovers: City Lights From A Train
Gui Borato: Arquipelago
Mathew Jonson: Marionette
Iñaqui Marin: Eva
Robag Wruhme: Robag Bobb Für F.
Metaboman: Easy Woman - Robag Wruhme rmx
Das Bierbeben: Staub (Robag Wruhmes Im-Brokklio-Staub-Wisch-Remix)
W.B.: Cody's Schuetel Overture
In Flagranti: Just Gazing (Robag Wruhme's Wighnomy Brothers Remix)
Slam ft. Tyrone Palmer: This World (Wighnomy Brothers & Robag Wruhme Bukklefipps Remix)
Sex In Dallas: Berlin Rocks (Wighnomy's Berlinjenajenaberlinrokker Er.Em.Ix)
Peter Lauer: Free Entry For Girls (Robag Wruhme's Drikkibass Remix)
Realizado por Tiago Eiras
segunda-feira, janeiro 30, 2006
quinta-feira, janeiro 26, 2006
Playlist 26 de Janeiro
1ª Hora
Chelonis R. Jones - Mythologies (Myths I & II)
Ricardo Villalobos - Erso
Norken - Eastern Soul
Pier Bucci - Siberian
Nathan Fake - Coheed ( Steve Barnes remix)
Dandy Jack And The Junction SM - Chuleta For You
The Dolls - Martini Never Dries
2ª Hora
Linndstrom & Prins Thomas - Turkish Delight
Dapayk & Padberg - Flesh
Booka Shade - Mandarine Girl
Sian - Sei
Kelley Polar - Tyurangalila
M83 - Don´t Save Us From The Flames ( Superpitcher remix)
Royksopp - 49 Percent ( M.A.N.D.Y. remix)
Tiga - Down With It
Realização: António Mortágua
Chelonis R. Jones - Mythologies (Myths I & II)
Ricardo Villalobos - Erso
Norken - Eastern Soul
Pier Bucci - Siberian
Nathan Fake - Coheed ( Steve Barnes remix)
Dandy Jack And The Junction SM - Chuleta For You
The Dolls - Martini Never Dries
2ª Hora
Linndstrom & Prins Thomas - Turkish Delight
Dapayk & Padberg - Flesh
Booka Shade - Mandarine Girl
Sian - Sei
Kelley Polar - Tyurangalila
M83 - Don´t Save Us From The Flames ( Superpitcher remix)
Royksopp - 49 Percent ( M.A.N.D.Y. remix)
Tiga - Down With It
Realização: António Mortágua
quarta-feira, janeiro 25, 2006
Playlist 25 Janeiro
Kruder & Dorfmeister: Spetchless
Photek: Junk
Gus Gus: Believe
Jaga Jazzist: Another Day
Midwest Product: Dead Cat
Four Tet: High Fives
Royksoop: Circuit Breaker
Depeche Mode: Lilian
The Dolls: Martini Never Dries
Della & Gavin: Rise
Mokira: Plee
Kraftwerk: Radioactivity
Vitalic: Trahison
Ernesto: No More
Ninja High School: Shake It Off
Por Pedro Oliveira
Kruder & Dorfmeister: Spetchless
Photek: Junk
Gus Gus: Believe
Jaga Jazzist: Another Day
Midwest Product: Dead Cat
Four Tet: High Fives
Royksoop: Circuit Breaker
Depeche Mode: Lilian
The Dolls: Martini Never Dries
Della & Gavin: Rise
Mokira: Plee
Kraftwerk: Radioactivity
Vitalic: Trahison
Ernesto: No More
Ninja High School: Shake It Off
Por Pedro Oliveira
sexta-feira, janeiro 20, 2006
Playlist 20 Janeiro 2006
Rockers Hi-Fi: The 8th Shade (Burn Baby Burn)
Animal Collective: Did You See The Words
Khonnor: Megans Present
Lucien'n'Luciano: Ice
Das Bierbeben: Staub - Robag Wruhme rmx
Wighnomy Brothers: Wurz & Blosse
Luciano: Amelie On Ice
Pier Bucci: Tita
Jonas Bering: Mustang 66
Chelonis R. Jones: Mythologies (Myths I & II)
The MFA: The Difference It Makes - Superpitcher rmx
Dntel: This Is The Dream of Evan and Chan - Superpitcher rmx
Heiko Voss: I Think About You - DJ Koze rmx
Ada: Maps - Tobias Thomas & Michael Mayer rmx
Northern Lite: Trusting Blind (12'' Version)
Realizado por Tiago Eiras
Esta semana tivemos passatempo Meifumado no Origami. Preto e PZ, com 2 dos discos de referência de 2005: "Quietude" e "Anticorpos", respectivamente.
Boas notícias: ao invés de um álbum de cada, como anunciámos, temos 2 de Preto e 3 de PZ para oferecer!!
Assim os vencedores são os que se seguem.

Preto - "Quietude":
Tiago Serra
Juliana Silva

PZ - "Anticorpos":
Paula Costa Pinto
Fernando Resende
Carla Lopes
Passem pela RUC e exijam-os em horário de expediente (10h-13h e 17h-19h).
Rockers Hi-Fi: The 8th Shade (Burn Baby Burn)
Animal Collective: Did You See The Words
Khonnor: Megans Present
Lucien'n'Luciano: Ice
Das Bierbeben: Staub - Robag Wruhme rmx
Wighnomy Brothers: Wurz & Blosse
Luciano: Amelie On Ice
Pier Bucci: Tita
Jonas Bering: Mustang 66
Chelonis R. Jones: Mythologies (Myths I & II)
The MFA: The Difference It Makes - Superpitcher rmx
Dntel: This Is The Dream of Evan and Chan - Superpitcher rmx
Heiko Voss: I Think About You - DJ Koze rmx
Ada: Maps - Tobias Thomas & Michael Mayer rmx
Northern Lite: Trusting Blind (12'' Version)
Realizado por Tiago Eiras
Esta semana tivemos passatempo Meifumado no Origami. Preto e PZ, com 2 dos discos de referência de 2005: "Quietude" e "Anticorpos", respectivamente.
Boas notícias: ao invés de um álbum de cada, como anunciámos, temos 2 de Preto e 3 de PZ para oferecer!!
Assim os vencedores são os que se seguem.

Preto - "Quietude":
Tiago Serra
Juliana Silva

PZ - "Anticorpos":
Paula Costa Pinto
Fernando Resende
Carla Lopes
Passem pela RUC e exijam-os em horário de expediente (10h-13h e 17h-19h).
Playlist 23 Janeiro 2006
Delia Gonzalez & Gavin Russom: Rise
Ninja High School: Nap
Dj Shadow: Transmission 3
Dj Shadow: GDMFSOB (w/ Roots Manuva & James Lavelle)
!!!: Hello! Is This Thing On? – Thomas & Eric’s Rub and Tug Throwdown
Juan Maclean: You Can’t Have It Both Ways (Live at Warsaw)
Technova: Atmosphere
Air: Alpha Beta Gaga – Jackson rmx
Iñaqui Marin: Eva
Wighnomy Brothers: Pele Bloss
Patrick Chardronet: Eye By Day
Dj Phono & Jan Peter: Welcome To Your Life
Egoexpress: Aranda – Lawrence rmx
Commercial Breakup: My Garden – Sascha Funke rmx
Richard Davis: Bring Me Closer
Ellen Alien: Alles Sehen
Realização/Locução: Tiago Eiras
Delia Gonzalez & Gavin Russom: Rise
Ninja High School: Nap
Dj Shadow: Transmission 3
Dj Shadow: GDMFSOB (w/ Roots Manuva & James Lavelle)
!!!: Hello! Is This Thing On? – Thomas & Eric’s Rub and Tug Throwdown
Juan Maclean: You Can’t Have It Both Ways (Live at Warsaw)
Technova: Atmosphere
Air: Alpha Beta Gaga – Jackson rmx
Iñaqui Marin: Eva
Wighnomy Brothers: Pele Bloss
Patrick Chardronet: Eye By Day
Dj Phono & Jan Peter: Welcome To Your Life
Egoexpress: Aranda – Lawrence rmx
Commercial Breakup: My Garden – Sascha Funke rmx
Richard Davis: Bring Me Closer
Ellen Alien: Alles Sehen
Realização/Locução: Tiago Eiras
quinta-feira, janeiro 19, 2006
Playlist 19 de Janeiro
Four Tet: Unspoken
Dj Shadow: You Cant Go Home Again
kid loco: A Grand Love Theme
Bonobo: Sleepy Seven.
Prefuse 73: Page 5
13 & God: Men Of Station Ghostwork
Preto: A Maquina Cinzenta
Pz: A Meu Lado
Fat Freddys Drop: Ernie
King Brit: Power
Whytie: A Walk In The Dark
Who Made Who: Jonnhy Lucky
Annie Anieemal: Heartbeat
Zongamin: Tunel Music
Legowelt: Disco Rout
Rinocerose: Get Ready Now
Chromeu: Destination Overdrive
Vive La Tet: Folie
Sir Alice: Docter x
Felix Kubin: Hit Me Provider
Dj Hell: Keep On Waiting
Por Pedro Oliveira
Four Tet: Unspoken
Dj Shadow: You Cant Go Home Again
kid loco: A Grand Love Theme
Bonobo: Sleepy Seven.
Prefuse 73: Page 5
13 & God: Men Of Station Ghostwork
Preto: A Maquina Cinzenta
Pz: A Meu Lado
Fat Freddys Drop: Ernie
King Brit: Power
Whytie: A Walk In The Dark
Who Made Who: Jonnhy Lucky
Annie Anieemal: Heartbeat
Zongamin: Tunel Music
Legowelt: Disco Rout
Rinocerose: Get Ready Now
Chromeu: Destination Overdrive
Vive La Tet: Folie
Sir Alice: Docter x
Felix Kubin: Hit Me Provider
Dj Hell: Keep On Waiting
Por Pedro Oliveira
Playlist 18 de Janeiro
Jackson And his Computer Band: UtopiaMira cálix skin whit me
Kubik: Fangoria
Squarepusher: Tomorrows World
Enduser: Another Door Opens
Mira Cálix: Skin Whit Me
Kubik: Fangoria
Squarepusher: Tomorrows World
Enduser: Another Door Opens
Labaforb So Rmx (Matmos rmx)
Preto: 123 Play…
Pz: Deus Canibal
Minotoaur Shock: Vigo Bay
Precys: Nhaderu
The Books: An Animated Description Of Mr
B.fleichmann: Pass By
Rocky Marciano: Hold Of Me
Postal Service: Be Still My Heart
The Low Frequency In Stereo: Astro Koop
Clor: Good Stuff
Rinocerose: Pleasur & Pain
Colder: Wrong Baby
Stereo Total: Ich Bin Nacht
Avikko: Homo Futurus
Les Georeges Leningrad: Supa Dupa
Por Pedro Oliveira
Jackson And his Computer Band: UtopiaMira cálix skin whit me
Kubik: Fangoria
Squarepusher: Tomorrows World
Enduser: Another Door Opens
Mira Cálix: Skin Whit Me
Kubik: Fangoria
Squarepusher: Tomorrows World
Enduser: Another Door Opens
Labaforb So Rmx (Matmos rmx)
Preto: 123 Play…
Pz: Deus Canibal
Minotoaur Shock: Vigo Bay
Precys: Nhaderu
The Books: An Animated Description Of Mr
B.fleichmann: Pass By
Rocky Marciano: Hold Of Me
Postal Service: Be Still My Heart
The Low Frequency In Stereo: Astro Koop
Clor: Good Stuff
Rinocerose: Pleasur & Pain
Colder: Wrong Baby
Stereo Total: Ich Bin Nacht
Avikko: Homo Futurus
Les Georeges Leningrad: Supa Dupa
Por Pedro Oliveira
terça-feira, janeiro 17, 2006
André Galluzzi@Via Club_Sexta 20 Jan

Corria o ano de 89 quando o jovem André Galluzzi, com apenas 16 anos, aproveitando a doença do dj residente do Pie, em Erbenheim (Alemanha), saiu detrás do bar para mostrar os seus dotes por detrás dos pratos. A recepção não podia ter sido melhor e, 2 anos depois, era convidado a actuar fora da sua cidade, em clubes como o Bunker (Berlim) ou o M (Mainz).
Entre 93 e 95 trabalhou numa loja de discos em Frankfurt, desenvolvendo contactos que o levaram a actuar na cidade e arredores. Junta-se à Neuton, distribuidora e editora sedeada em Offenbach/Main onde conhece Paul Brtschitsch, com quem viria a formar a Taksi e a desenvolver o seu trabalho artístico. O primeiro disco desta editora “Taxi”, de Brtschitsch & Galluzzi, editado em 96, não passaria despercebido a Sven Vath, que o colocou na sua playlist, dando um incentivo adicional a esta duplade produtores.
Muda-se então de Frankfurt para Berlim, onde se torna dj residente do Tresor, começando a correr a Europa com os seus longos dj sets, dando-se a conhecer na Suécia, Turquia, Bélgica, Holanda, Suiça, França...
Em 99, graças a uma mesma partilha de ideias, dá inicio a uma colaboração com o proprietário do Ostgut, clube agora denominado de Berghain/Panorama Bar e o mais importante da capital alemã, onde se torna mundialmente conhecido pelos entusiasmo que rodeia os seus sets.
Edita não só pela Taksi mas também através da Ongaku e Force Inc., tendo programas radiofónicos em estações como a Kiss Fm, Sputnik ou Fritz.
O tema “Schneesturm”, do disco homónimo, editado pela Taksi, foi re-editado na Plus 8 de Richie Hawtin, contendo uma remistura do mesmo, e temas de “Bordell”, o último longa duração de Brtschitsch & Galluzzi, foram remisturados por Alexander Kowalski, Guido Schneider, Dietrich Schoenemann e Tony Rohr.
Adepto de dj sets com uma duração nunca inferior a 5 horas, André consegue gerar noites de autêntica loucura, combinando a mestria nos pratos com uma interactividade com o público que lhe é característica. É muito usual ver André Galluzzi acompanhado nas suas actuações por nomes como Ricardo Villalobos, Ritchie Hawtin e Sven Vath
Estreia especial e absoluta em Portugal de uma figura que merece todo respeito.
Como anfitrião e em warm up mode...David Rodrigues.
Bilhetes à pala do Origami todos os dias em sorteio! Boa Sorte!
segunda-feira, janeiro 16, 2006
Playlist 16 Janeiro 2006
Preto: Folk Cocktail Machines
PZ: Achas
The Pastels: The Viaduct - Kid Loco's On The Right Side Of The River Mix
Depeche Mode: I Want It All
TelepopMusik: Breathe - Markus Nikolai rmx
W.B.: You Might Say (Im Ruminaten Parfum Rework)
Egoexpress: Aranda - Lawrence rmx
Lawrence: Swap
Jonas Bering: Mustang 66
M83: Run Into Flowers - Jackson rmx
Oliver Hacke: Subject Carrier - Alex Under rmx
Process: Pelican - Oliver Hacke rmx
Gui Boratto: Arquipelago
Ellen Alien: Magma - Modeselektor rmx
Andre Kraml: Dirty Fingernails
Steve Bug: Bug In The Brain
Extrawelt: Zu Fuss (Mutter Mix)
Por Tiago Eiras
Preto: Folk Cocktail Machines
PZ: Achas
The Pastels: The Viaduct - Kid Loco's On The Right Side Of The River Mix
Depeche Mode: I Want It All
TelepopMusik: Breathe - Markus Nikolai rmx
W.B.: You Might Say (Im Ruminaten Parfum Rework)
Egoexpress: Aranda - Lawrence rmx
Lawrence: Swap
Jonas Bering: Mustang 66
M83: Run Into Flowers - Jackson rmx
Oliver Hacke: Subject Carrier - Alex Under rmx
Process: Pelican - Oliver Hacke rmx
Gui Boratto: Arquipelago
Ellen Alien: Magma - Modeselektor rmx
Andre Kraml: Dirty Fingernails
Steve Bug: Bug In The Brain
Extrawelt: Zu Fuss (Mutter Mix)
Por Tiago Eiras
Playlist 13 Janeiro 2006
Lindstrom: Monster
I:Cube: Taurus
Dublee: the sun sets (Larence rmx)
Ricardo Vilallobos: Sieso
Alter Ego: Daktari (Matt John rmx)
Robert Babicz: prism (Wighnomy Brothers rmx)
Matias Aguayo: So in love
Trentemoller: Kinky
Fenin: Hazzle
Alex Smoke: Tv is pish
Dub Kult: Bip (Guido Scneider)
Limacon: catch (Sten rmx)
Siskin: Hummer
Patrick Chardonnet: eve by day
Pan/Tone: No pecos por favor
Fairmont: I want to see the sun come up
Por David Rodrigues
Lindstrom: Monster
I:Cube: Taurus
Dublee: the sun sets (Larence rmx)
Ricardo Vilallobos: Sieso
Alter Ego: Daktari (Matt John rmx)
Robert Babicz: prism (Wighnomy Brothers rmx)
Matias Aguayo: So in love
Trentemoller: Kinky
Fenin: Hazzle
Alex Smoke: Tv is pish
Dub Kult: Bip (Guido Scneider)
Limacon: catch (Sten rmx)
Siskin: Hummer
Patrick Chardonnet: eve by day
Pan/Tone: No pecos por favor
Fairmont: I want to see the sun come up
Por David Rodrigues
terça-feira, janeiro 10, 2006
Playlist 10 Janeiro
Gang Gang Dance: A Glory In It Self
Lambchop & Hands Of Cuba: Blur
13 & God: Tin Strong
Armando Teixeira: Sur Les Cordes
Agf: All Lies On Us
Konhoor: A Little Sectet
Magnectic Fields: Fido Your Love
Minotaur shock: Four Magpies
Umbigo: Autopsia
Four Tet: High Fives
Avikko. Diamond Piramid
Ceceil Leuter: Pop Electronic 2
Hot Butter: Popcorn
Moderne: Switch On Bach
Jacno: Triangle
Bruce Haack: Stand Up Lazaras
Ruht: Romanfoto
Aphex twin: Alberto Balsam
Broadcast Michael: A Grammar
Schneider Tm: Reality Check
Boards Of Canada: Sherbet Heads
Vitalic: the past
Fad Gadget: Back To Mine
Por Pedro Oliveira
Gang Gang Dance: A Glory In It Self
Lambchop & Hands Of Cuba: Blur
13 & God: Tin Strong
Armando Teixeira: Sur Les Cordes
Agf: All Lies On Us
Konhoor: A Little Sectet
Magnectic Fields: Fido Your Love
Minotaur shock: Four Magpies
Umbigo: Autopsia
Four Tet: High Fives
Avikko. Diamond Piramid
Ceceil Leuter: Pop Electronic 2
Hot Butter: Popcorn
Moderne: Switch On Bach
Jacno: Triangle
Bruce Haack: Stand Up Lazaras
Ruht: Romanfoto
Aphex twin: Alberto Balsam
Broadcast Michael: A Grammar
Schneider Tm: Reality Check
Boards Of Canada: Sherbet Heads
Vitalic: the past
Fad Gadget: Back To Mine
Por Pedro Oliveira
Playlist 9 Janeiro 2006
Tadeo: Feel The Vibrations (ft. Tikiman)
Clue To Kalo: We'll Live Free (in NYC)
Khonnor: Megans Present
Jan Jelinek: Lithiummelodie 1
Mathew Herbert: The Truncated Life of A Modern Industrialised Chicken
Luke Vibert: Funky Acid Stuff
Sir Alice: Comptine
DJ Koze: Estrella
Murcof: Memoria - Sutekh's Trisagion Mix
Maxence Cyrin: Smokebelch II
Slicker: God Bless This Mess, This Test We Pass
Rich Medina: Weight
Handsome Boy Modeling School: If It Wasn´t For You (ft. De La Soul)
Gorillaz: November Has Come (ft. MF Doom)
Beans: You're Dead, Let's Disco
Dizzee Rascal: Respect Me
M.I.A.: Amazon
Kanye West: Late Registration
Moby: Go (Jam & Spoon In Dub Mix)
Por Tiago Eiras
Alguns de 2005:
LCD Soundsystem: Lcd Soundsystem
M.I.A.: Arular
DJ Koze
Mathew Herbert: Plat Du Jour
Mathew Jonson
Gorillaz: Demon Days
Pier Bucci: Familia
Vector Lovers: Capsule For One
King Britt: K.B. Presents Sister Gertrude Morgan
Khonnor: Handwriting
Jan Jelinek: Kosmischer Pitch
Murcof: Remembranza
DangerDoom: The Mouse & The Mask
DJ Phono & Jan Peter: Welcome To Your Life
Robag Wruhme
Wighnomy Brothers
Metope: Kobol
Nathan Fake: Dinamo 12''
Flanger: Spirituals
Plantlife: The Return of Jack Splash
Animal Collective: Feels
Alex Under
Kanye West: Late Registration
Tom Vek: We Have Sound
Border Comunity
Richard Davis: Details
Ellen Alien: Magma - The MFA rmx
Who Made Who: Space For Rent
Jamie Lidell: Multiply
Phonique: For The Time Being (ft. Erlend Oye) - Alexkid rmx
Tadeo: Feel The Vibrations (ft. Tikiman)
Clue To Kalo: We'll Live Free (in NYC)
Khonnor: Megans Present
Jan Jelinek: Lithiummelodie 1
Mathew Herbert: The Truncated Life of A Modern Industrialised Chicken
Luke Vibert: Funky Acid Stuff
Sir Alice: Comptine
DJ Koze: Estrella
Murcof: Memoria - Sutekh's Trisagion Mix
Maxence Cyrin: Smokebelch II
Slicker: God Bless This Mess, This Test We Pass
Rich Medina: Weight
Handsome Boy Modeling School: If It Wasn´t For You (ft. De La Soul)
Gorillaz: November Has Come (ft. MF Doom)
Beans: You're Dead, Let's Disco
Dizzee Rascal: Respect Me
M.I.A.: Amazon
Kanye West: Late Registration
Moby: Go (Jam & Spoon In Dub Mix)
Por Tiago Eiras
Alguns de 2005:
LCD Soundsystem: Lcd Soundsystem
M.I.A.: Arular
DJ Koze
Mathew Herbert: Plat Du Jour
Mathew Jonson
Gorillaz: Demon Days
Pier Bucci: Familia
Vector Lovers: Capsule For One
King Britt: K.B. Presents Sister Gertrude Morgan
Khonnor: Handwriting
Jan Jelinek: Kosmischer Pitch
Murcof: Remembranza
DangerDoom: The Mouse & The Mask
DJ Phono & Jan Peter: Welcome To Your Life
Robag Wruhme
Wighnomy Brothers
Metope: Kobol
Nathan Fake: Dinamo 12''
Flanger: Spirituals
Plantlife: The Return of Jack Splash
Animal Collective: Feels
Alex Under
Kanye West: Late Registration
Tom Vek: We Have Sound
Border Comunity
Richard Davis: Details
Ellen Alien: Magma - The MFA rmx
Who Made Who: Space For Rent
Jamie Lidell: Multiply
Phonique: For The Time Being (ft. Erlend Oye) - Alexkid rmx
Playlist 6 Janeiro 2006
Robert Lipock + Barbara Morgenstern
Egoexpress: Aranda (Lawrence rmx)
Robert Babicz: Prism (W.Brothers rmx)
Matt John: Jocker Family
Clor: magic touch (Joakim Rmx)
Rework: Psych Doll
Dominik Eulberg: Eine Kleine Hommage
Hiem: Zombie Party (Konrad Black Rmx)
Bordell (Guido Schneider Rmx)
Fairmont: I want to see the sun come uo
Por David Rodrigues
Robert Lipock + Barbara Morgenstern
Egoexpress: Aranda (Lawrence rmx)
Robert Babicz: Prism (W.Brothers rmx)
Matt John: Jocker Family
Clor: magic touch (Joakim Rmx)
Rework: Psych Doll
Dominik Eulberg: Eine Kleine Hommage
Hiem: Zombie Party (Konrad Black Rmx)
Bordell (Guido Schneider Rmx)
Fairmont: I want to see the sun come uo
Por David Rodrigues
sexta-feira, janeiro 06, 2006
Playlist 5 Janeiro 2006
Sleeparchive: Elephant Island
Ricardo Villalobos: Easy Lee
Matias Aguayo: Radiotaxi
Swat Squad: Escoria
Alex Under: Cerebrales Para El Desayuno
Robag Wruhme: Waffelekkspander
Nathan Fake: Coheed
Lawrence: Along The Wire
Norken: Folio
Richard Davis: This Time
DK7: Where's The Fun? - Sten rmx
Jeff Samuel: Endpoint
Anders Ilar: Trails & Stars
Gringo Grinder: Memories of A Balanced Breakfast
Rockers Hi-Fi: Going Under
Por Tiago Eiras
Sleeparchive: Elephant Island
Ricardo Villalobos: Easy Lee
Matias Aguayo: Radiotaxi
Swat Squad: Escoria
Alex Under: Cerebrales Para El Desayuno
Robag Wruhme: Waffelekkspander
Nathan Fake: Coheed
Lawrence: Along The Wire
Norken: Folio
Richard Davis: This Time
DK7: Where's The Fun? - Sten rmx
Jeff Samuel: Endpoint
Anders Ilar: Trails & Stars
Gringo Grinder: Memories of A Balanced Breakfast
Rockers Hi-Fi: Going Under
Por Tiago Eiras
Playlist 4 Janeiro 2006
Por Pedro Oliveira
Depeche Mode: Useless - Kruder rmx
Bjork: Army Ot Me
Aphex Twin: Windowlicker
Death In Vegas: Rocco
Superpitcher: I Want Hapiness
Fischerspooner: Just Let Go
Lcd Soundsystem: Tribulations
Midwest Product: Dead Cat
Relaxed Muscle: Boys Climbing Skull
Khonnor: Kill2
Whithey: Leave Them All Behind
Who Made Who: Satisfactions
T. Raumschmiere: Diving In Whiskey
Zongamin: Spiral
She Wants Revenge: I Dont Wanna Fall In Love
The Rose Buttons: Disco For Lovers
El Guapo: Just Dont Know
Patrick Wolf: Bloodbeat
Sukia: Gary Super Macho
Depeche Mode: Useless - Kruder rmx
Bjork: Army Ot Me
Aphex Twin: Windowlicker
Death In Vegas: Rocco
Superpitcher: I Want Hapiness
Fischerspooner: Just Let Go
Lcd Soundsystem: Tribulations
Midwest Product: Dead Cat
Relaxed Muscle: Boys Climbing Skull
Khonnor: Kill2
Whithey: Leave Them All Behind
Who Made Who: Satisfactions
T. Raumschmiere: Diving In Whiskey
Zongamin: Spiral
She Wants Revenge: I Dont Wanna Fall In Love
The Rose Buttons: Disco For Lovers
El Guapo: Just Dont Know
Patrick Wolf: Bloodbeat
Sukia: Gary Super Macho